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The #1 GTO solver lookup assistant with millions of professionally solved GTO spots in your pocket.

About Solver+

about Solver+


  • Millions of professionally solved spots to lookup within seconds!
  • Average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars
  • Intuitive range viewer for all preflop spots
  • Ability to enter any flop, any turn and any river
  • Can lookup different lines to see how GTO frequencies changes
  • See exact frequencies and EVs
  • Detailed equity and EV graphs for hero vs villain ranges
  • Buckets representation of strong, good, weak and trash hands
  • Combinatorics and bet action filters on any street, any node and any player.
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Solver+ Showcase

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I use a combination of all three of their apps (preflop+, PostflopPlus+, and Solver) I am super happy with how they have helped me improve and I have seen results on the poker tables with the strategy’s I’ve learned using these apps!

iOS User

Anyone who takes their poker game seriously and wants to play optimally should try this app. In free state, it’s very usable but if you can get it during one of the promos, a discounted version will pay for itself very quickly. It’s perfect for reviewing a line live and making immediate corrections.


Tested free MTT spots. Getting reliable results. Awesome work!

iOS User

Very cool to have this on the go!
